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Asta-Ja Webinar

Asta-Ja USA is pleased to announce the commencement of quarterly virtual Webinar Series for 2022-2023 that will focus on five critical themes (tracks) in the context of Nepal: Climate Security, Food Security, Energy Security, Environmental Security, and Water Security.

These quarterly webinars are designed to contribute Asta-Ja USA mission of promoting sustainable development of natural and human resources through education, capacity-building, charitable activities, applied research, policy decision support, and environmental conservation in Nepal. Papers presented in the Webinars will be published in Asta-Ja USA Annals. The official publication is intended for knowledge transfer and dissemination, and eventually can serve in policy development and capacity-building. Scholars, policy-decision makers, business experts, and graduate students especially in the Ph.D. program, from Nepal and the region will be invited for Webinar presentations, chairing the sessions, and as attendee.

Each webinar session will include one or two presenters on specific themes and with 10-15 minutes for Q&A.  At the end of each seminar, the session chair (or Asta-Ja representative) will have 10 minutes to summarize and provide concluding remarks. These free, virtual seminars will be recorded and broadcasted using various social media platform of Asta-Ja USA, such as YouTube and Facebook.

Attendee surveys, at the end of each seminar will seek feedback for improvement, future topics related to the five themes, willingness to be a speaker or session chair, and overall effectiveness of the session. A digital Certificate of Appreciation will be awarded to the speaker.

Guidelines for the Speakers:

  1. Submit an extended abstract (2-3 pages) along with references related to the theme announced to the program chair before the 3 weeks of the presentation.
  2. Receive feedback from the program committee before the 2nd week of presentation.
  3. Submit PowerPoint Slides (15 slides maximum) to the program chair no later than 1 week of presentation.
  4. Presentation should be structured to at least include current problem or pressing issues in the context of Nepal, short and long-term impacts in the context of Nepal, and possible alternatives solutions.
  5. Speakers are encouraged to promote their presentations through personal Facebook page, LinkedIn, and other (email, social media platform, Twitter, etc.).
  6. Speakers must acknowledge any conflict of interest or any copyright issue that may exists in the materials (abstracts, PowerPoint slides, videos, etc.), submitted to the Program committee, which will be published in Asta-Ja USA official online platforms and Asta-Ja USA Annals.
  7. Presentation, slides and abstract should be in English.
  8. Besides the extended abstract, a brief biography of the speaker is required.
  9. All presentations should include some recent scientific evidence and source.
  1. Tentative dates for the Asta-Ja USA webinar series, 2022
  1. Saturday March 19, 2022 @ 8 pm USA CST
    1. Saturday June 18, 2022 @ 8 pm USA CST
    1. Saturday September 17, 2022 @ 8 pm USA CST
    1. Saturday December 17, 2022 @ 8 pm USA CST

Webinar Login Information

Zoom Meeting ID: 932 3301 7889 or


Passcode: guest

Please contact any of the Asta-Ja Webinar Committee members for additional information:

Dr. Khusi R Tiwari
Program Chair
Dr. Dilip Panthee
Program Coordinator
Dr. Rupak Rauniar
Program Coordinator
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